"Artful Dodger: The Complicated Genius of Morrissey" - MTV News

I think this is one of the best articles on Morrissey I've read. If they only spoke about sexuality it would be perfect. The part about the famous waving of the flag was also insightful.
I would disagree with them on the meaning of "National Front Disco" because I think it's deliberately more ambiguous than this writer presents it, but that is a small detail. I'd give this a 98/100 rating.
The part about sexuality as represented in the 1970's and the change to the 1980's was really smart, and the "justification" (not that he needs one) for Morrissey to keep people guessing was profound.
Everyone should read this.
At the end of this article, this is me to a T.

"Because if you ever had a Morrissey-shaped hole in your life, you never forget how it felt to find a Morrissey to fill it. Some debts can never be repaid, no matter how full your heart gets. I’ll buy his records. I’ll click on his headlines. I even bought his novel. I may even read it one of these days."
...and i may even visit morrissey-solo sometimes."

I suppose that's the reason why we're all here... even Benny.
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