posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @03:30PM
Morrissey on "Friday Night with Jonathan Ross" (May 14, 2004). Post your info and reviews in the comments section below.
posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
The show airs Friday night at 10:35pm on BBC1.

Mike Duncan writes:

I was at the recording of the Jonathan Ross last night and Morrissey sang IBEH and Everyday is Like Sunday. Morrissey appeared very nervous during the interview and didn't really take to Jonathan Ross' chummy line of questioning. During a break while they set up cameras Ross asked him if he should call him Steven and Morrissey nobody calls him that and the name has bad connotations for him. Everyone calls him Morrissey. Nothing much came out of the interview that wasn't already known, he talked about his autobiography and launched a stinging attack on David Bowie (among others).
slug from MorrisseyTour sends the following photo from the taping, others will be posted soon on their site, a short report on the taping is also there now. Update: 05/14 17:19 GMT: Full report and pics now on MorrisseyTour, look in the Current Tour section.

Click to enlarge

posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
Anonymous writes:

Morrissey is ready to reveal all.

409 words
14 May 2004
The Express
(c) 2004 Express Newspapers

MOROSE warbler Morrissey has never shied away from controversy but it seems that the former Smiths frontman could be leaving his most explosive project for print. The reclusive, bequiffed 44-year-old, who has just released his first studio album in seven years, has revealed that he is working on his autobiography - a strange move for someone who has previously maintained a Trappist-like silence about his enigmatic private life.

The Mancunian, who is based in Los Angeles these days, is already predicting that his first literary effort will be an inflammatory affair.

"It is absolutely bubbling, " says Morrissey, whose hits include such cheery ditties as Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now and Girlfriend in a Coma. "It's going to be soaring. So soaring that I don't think it will ever see print because w hen the proofs are distributed I'll probably immediately be assassinated.

But I'll try to hurry it up."

Fans are already wondering whether the book will finally shed some light on the famously private Morrissey's personal life, including his sexuality - he once claimed he had been celibate since the age of 19. Among those who may look forward to a rough ride in print will be the former Smiths drummer Mike Joyce, who won his legal claim against Morrissey for a quarter of the profits from the band's recording royalties and performances back in 1996, when a judge branded Morrissey "devious, truculent and unreliable".

The book is also likely to detail the rise and break-up of The Smiths, his friendships with the likes of Sandie Shaw and Nancy Sinatra, his controversial flirtation with far-Right imagery in songs such as National Front Disco and his lonely Manchester childhood, where the young Steven Morrissey was obsessed by the eclectic delights of Coronation Street, Oscar Wilde and Diana Dors.

Meanwhile Morrissey - who is due to play a sell-out gig in his home city soon - insists that it is unlikely he will make the UK his permanent home again.

"Only if I'm given a prison sentence, " he says cheerily, telling next month's Esquire that he is no fan of Tony Blair.

"He's worse than Thatcher's most dire moments. If I have to stare at those teeth for another four years...

"I think he is atrociously bad for England and not remotely believable."
posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
mozzerette writes:

This was a featured story on Yahoo Entertainment news this morning.

Morrissey to Appear on Craig Kilborn
posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
Dan writes:

A rather backlashing review from Alexis Petridis in today's Guardian. Not a viciously unfair review but lapses into a rather snide tone at times.

Morrissey, You Are the Quarry review by Alexis Petridis

Mind you, even he has to admit that Come Back to Camden's melody is "enrapturing".

An anonymous person sends the subtext included with the wire version:

"Life in the past lane - Everyone wants Morrissey's return to be great. Brace yourself for a letdown, says Alexis Petridis - CD OF THE WEEK: Morrissey You Are the Quarry (Attack) + + - - - pounds 13.99"
posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

Rolling Stone (USA) have a lead review of Quarry in their new issue, and, yet again, it is very favourable. They award three and a half stars out of 5 which is very high for them as they are quite stingy as a rule, and the review most certainly reads like a four star review. Here are a few choice quotes:

The album, they say, finds Moz "moving forward without losing his identity".

"The songs are top-shelf".

"The album, like Morrissey's tenor, never stops defining or reinventing itself".

"You Are The Quarry is a triumph of maladjusted vitality".

Another good review then - John Harris looks more idiotic with every passing second!

Link to review on the Rolling Stone site sent from another anonymous person.
posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
Anonymous writes:

"Libération", best french daily newspaper, has a review today of YATQ by well-known Nick Kent. The journalist compares YATQ to "Maladjusted", and see no differences between these 2 records. He thinks moz is "hysteric", and uses a rather ironical tone mentionning his self-exile. The significant excerpt is (pardon my poor english) : "Fans will listen to this record once or twice and then return to the old smiths records".
A very negative review. Well, we'll see on May, 17th.

(The full review can be found here.)
posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
An anonymous person sends:


472 words
14 May 2004
(c) 2004 Mirror Group Ltd


MORRISSEY You Are The Quarry
posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
Anonymous writes:

The official Johnny Marr website has an statement clarifying Jmarr's quote re: the smiths getting together in the 90s. It's not true.

The ad claims that Johnny Marr would have said in the interview that the Smiths got back together. In a reaction Johnny Marr says: "The advertisement for the Q Smiths supplement was misleading and untrue. In my interview I didn't say or even imply that the four members of The Smiths reconvened. I said that Morrissey and myself got together socially a couple of times in the nineties. My explanation to David Sheppard was very clear and how this information turned into a scoop about a Smiths reformation is beyond me."
posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
ejcmp writes:

There is a Q&A section (May 2004) in the Pet Shop Boys website and when asked about Vertinsky, Neil Tennant had this to say.....

to listen to his songs walking the side-streets in the centre when they are empty it is easy to imagine that horse with carriage may appear from behind the corner.!Vertinsky was a star, famous almost like you;) but some years earlier, approximately since 1916-1917.It was very fashionable to fall in love with him among girls (even intelligent). It was also fashionable to poison oneself because of unhappy love.

Thankfully, that's less fashionable these days. Now Morrissey makes albums as an alternative to this. N

He has mentioned moz before. Actually he says a couple of songs are sung from Moz's point of view.....
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