Unnecessary Sniping in the Autobiography: Morrissey on 'Shipbuilding' & Neil Aspinall


New Member
His comments on Shipbuilding in the Autobiography suggest a lack of awareness of how and why the song was written. It's an odd oversight because Moz agrees with the songs sentiments and it's in the social realist style that he favoured at the time with songs such as This Night Has Opened My Eyes. It just seems a throwaway careless remark of the kind that he should have left out of the book.

Another particularly nasty case is the comments about Neil Aspinall's death. Why gloat over the demise of someone for what was a rather minor slight?

Other examples? He seems to despise obesity in a rather cruel way. Can come across as bullying. Obviously his attacks of Geoff Travis are far too sustained to be funny.

Finally he sees the other Smiths conspiring against him quite early, around the time of the Danceteria gig. It seems odd that they would be looking to ditch their lead singer at that point, after Marr had done so much work to find a lead singer and lyricist.
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Well, I mean, he wrote it, and it's his book, and he saw what he saw, so...how can you say anything he experienced is being interpreted by him in an unnecessarily negative way?

Were you there? At the Danceteria gig? Did you have those interactions with those people? No? OK, so...seems like the burden of proof is on you for saying that what a firsthand participant experienced is not true, rather than casting doubt and accusations of unfair cruelty on the person who actually experienced the things being discussed.
His comments on Shipbuilding in the Autobiography suggest a lack of awareness of how and why the song was written. It's an odd oversight because Moz agrees with the songs sentiments and it's in the social realist style that he favoured at the time with songs such as This Night Has Opened My Eyes. It just seems a throwaway careless remark of the kind that he should have left out of the book.

Another particularly nasty case is the comments about Neil Aspinall's death. Why gloat over the demise of someone for what was a rather minor slight?

Other examples? He seems to despise obesity in a rather cruel way. Can come across as bullying. Obviously his attacks of Geoff Travis are far too sustained to be funny.

Finally he sees the other Smiths conspiring against him quite early, around the time of the Danceteria gig. It seems odd that they would be looking to ditch their lead singer at that point, after Marr had done so much work to find a lead singer and lyricist.

This is getting some mention on twitter. I'd say coming from the man who passionately sang You're the one for me fatty the last few tours and opened Quarry singing of his love for America with her big belly, it certainly makes the case that Morrissey is a tad bi-polar. Or under a periodic spell when he writes.
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