"The Indie Rock Fag Needs to Find His Own Morrissey"

ok, i read it and i found it annoying :mad:
its just so lame to me that idiots (like the guy who wrote that crap) assume that Moz's reason for not "coming out" in the stupid way they expect means he's hiding his sexuality or is not sexual
they just don't get him :crazy:
god, are they annoying! :head-smack:
As a gay man in his 30's, I actually think the kid needs to go the hell away. Go suck off Pete Wentz, please. You're either in the mix, or you're in the way.

Yes, I reach my hand out. Yes, he makes a point of taking my hand. Yes, I'm thrilled that he does. I'm over 30 and gay -- leave me to my little pleasures. If the kid bought a crap seat (i.e. not up front) it's great to have seat fillers. Thank you, drop dead.

There isn't a "Morrissey" for these kids because their attention span is so minute that they love Panic at the Disco for 45 minutes and then... nothing. There's nothing there. Sorry, love, but we (the devoted) actually invest time, money, and serious thought into our hero. To love Morrissey takes more devotion than I give to my partner (13 years) and he knows that.

When I ordered six of the "naked" shirts and sealed four of them in an acid-free bag with a silica packet, he didn't even blink. The Morrissey soap (yes, it exists) that my friend, my love, my hitchiker Denise sent me. It's in a cute acrylic cube in the downstairs loo. All of the weird things that I do (for love of Morrissey) are accepted because he's a strange part of my day-to-day life.

Oh well... indie rock fag will never learn. He'll never know the devotion, the love, the joy, and the hysterical fun that is being a Morrissey fan. His loss.
How unusual. Someone writes an article about Morrissey and it gets an unfavorable reaction here. :rolleyes:

Robby seems to be reacting to some other article. I don't see anything about Morrissey's "reason for not coming out". On the other hand the article does suggest, much as Morrissey himself has implied that the ambiguity makes him accessible to a potentially larger group of people. Although Morrissey won't appeal to everyone, it's not because he excludes people as much as that he is rejected for various reasons. But he's there if you need it.

The comment by Zander doesn't tell me much, but it seems to be true as the author makes a point of telling us that he isn't much of a Morrissey fan right from the start.

ADAM, it's none of my business and I'm glad you enjoy your devotion to Morrissey, but it's not typical, and it's not the point, and doesn't really function as a response to the article. You seem to be offended that the "kid" (he's 25 years old) can look at a Morrissey show and see the religious revival overtones. The article is not putting down you or the audience but about looking for the reasons that Morrissey is special to people of a certain age group. It's almost like he has nostalgic feelings for something he missed out on because of changes in our culture.
The fact that the writer states they're not a big Morrissey fan should surely be why it isn't such a big deal for them?
It'd be like me turning up to church with only passable knowledge of the bible, what a dick.
ADAM, it's none of my business and I'm glad you enjoy your devotion to Morrissey, but it's not typical, and it's not the point, and doesn't really function as a response to the article. You seem to be offended that the "kid" (he's 25 years old) can look at a Morrissey show and see the religious revival overtones. The article is not putting down you or the audience but about looking for the reasons that Morrissey is special to people of a certain age group. It's almost like he has nostalgic feelings for something he missed out on because of changes in our culture.

i think i agree wtih you dave. I kinda took it as he's just never found a musical artist that he really connects with. and because he's gay he kinda feels like it should have been Morrissey, but for whatever reason, just never got into him. and now he's just wondering if its too late for him to find someone like that. I think most of us probably got into Morrissey younger than 25, I'm gonna assume? and i think after a certain age youre just NOT gonna find that band or artist that will "save your life" or whatever. i think he's just saying he wish he had and hopes that he will one day. its obvious he doesnt know too much about Morrissey, but that really wasnt the point of the article.
i think i agree wtih you dave. I kinda took it as he's just never found a musical artist that he really connects with. and because he's gay he kinda feels like it should have been Morrissey, but for whatever reason, just never got into him. and now he's just wondering if its too late for him to find someone like that. I think most of us probably got into Morrissey younger than 25, I'm gonna assume? and i think after a certain age youre just NOT gonna find that band or artist that will "save your life" or whatever. i think he's just saying he wish he had and hopes that he will one day. its obvious he doesnt know too much about Morrissey, but that really wasnt the point of the article.

I agree with NUGZ on something. Holy (sacred) cow!

I know my response wasn't "the point", but he singled out gay men who are over 30 —— which is not a club that I'm happy to be in, and I drifted a little. I seriously doubt the kid could even read the entire response because he's a twitchy little tweak-freak.

Love To All,

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i think i agree wtih you dave. I kinda took it as he's just never found a musical artist that he really connects with. and because he's gay he kinda feels like it should have been Morrissey, but for whatever reason, just never got into him. and now he's just wondering if its too late for him to find someone like that. I think most of us probably got into Morrissey younger than 25, I'm gonna assume? and i think after a certain age youre just NOT gonna find that band or artist that will "save your life" or whatever. i think he's just saying he wish he had and hopes that he will one day. its obvious he doesnt know too much about Morrissey, but that really wasnt the point of the article.

I agree with NUGZ on something. Holy (sacred) cow!

I know my response wasn't "the point", but he singled out gay men who are over 30 —— which is not a club that I'm happy to be in, and I drifted a little. I seriously doubt the kid could even read the entire response because he's a twitchy little tweak-freak.

Love To All,

Group hug! :D
Like I said, either like Morrissey for himself, or, just f*** off
Mind you, Mcthingy may show up even yet, then give me a lecture as to who has the smallest ego. Well. it's obviously me
What a load of bilge.Id sooner listen to Jade Goody's mother about the signs from god she has had.
reelaround stopharassingme tl;dr
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