Tell me it's not true!


New Member
Ok, so, I was downloading a song on the internet (I know, shame shame shame on me, the truth is, I am absolutely broke...whatever, I don't have to justify anything! i'm going to "hell" anyway...) and I saw a track titled "Laguna Beach Sountrack- First of the Gang to Die-Morrissey". So I laughed, thinking "Oh goodness, all of these people and their mistitled songs"...but something told me "maybe it's not mistitled. So I looked it up...


...ok's true!!!!!!!!

now I didn't even know what Laguna Beach is until a couple of months ago when one of my classmates decided to englighten me (and weeks after that I refered to it as Laguna Coil...which, after being corrected, I found out is a recent band...not first hand though..never). But then I had the pleasure (your sarcasam alert should be combusting right about now) of seeing one of these "real teens on MTV" episodes....

so WHY WHY WHY would Morrissey allow for his song to be on that show!?!?!?!?!?!?! I mean....honestly...he's not that desperate, he has us, and even if he didn't, he wouldn't care! Was it a bad decision by the record company? Do any of you know of this????

i probably shouldn't care as much. not that i do. i'm just wondering.

you know who rules? connie francis!
but that's off topic.
I'm not an expert on copyrights, but are you sure that they actually asked permission? Is it an actually soundtrack CD? From what I've heard, you have to get permission and pay royalities for releasing a soundtrack or releasing a series on DVD/video, but if it's just a song played on the TV show, you don't have to. For instance, there was a show I really loved, which happened to be called Night and Day :D which during its run (less then 2 years) used at least 300 different songs as background music (I know it because fans have tried to make a sountrack listing). I doubt that they asked permission for each and every one of them.
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Never seen the show, but I can guess what it's like. I just hope the people who watch the show pay attention to the music and look for more Morrisey / Smiths stuff.
Few days ago I was watching repeat of "This Life" on BBC2 and noticed "This Charming Man" was used.
BBC released DVD of the show, Mike Joyce is receiving the loyalty.
Few days ago I was watching repeat of "This Life" on BBC2 and noticed "This Charming Man" was used.
BBC released DVD of the show, Mike Joyce is receiving the loyalty.
There was some talk about the royalties issue on a This Life IMDB board before the second season DVD was released. People were wondering why BBC wasn't releasing it, and someone explained that the problem was with huge royalties, because the second season was longer than the first and used many songs (by Radiohead, Portishead, Massive, Smashing Pumpkins and many others). They said that playing them as background music is OK as long as you don't release it on DVD/video, then you have to play royalties.
Never seen the show, but I can guess what it's like. I just hope the people who watch the show pay attention to the music and look for more Morrisey / Smiths stuff.

god, their audience is way too shallow for that! they don't pay attention to anything unless it's shoved down their throat 24/7 by the media. morrissey is not a brand, he can't be bought, he's old (yeah, because in their eyes, 47 is what most decaying corpses are), he doesn't have an orange tan and he's not endorsing a brand publically. also, he hasn't been on oprah or is a sex i can't see how he would ever appeal to that generation...i mean...00s MTV generation...

thank god morrissey is not part of a conglomerate. even i'd get sick of it if i had to see him everywhere selling stuff. i prefer my musicians to be just that, not sales people. I lost so much respect for Bob Dylan, for example, when he endorsed Victoria's Secret's like a huge chunk of him died. Lets hope Morrissey NEVER does that. EVER!!!!!!
so i can't see how he would ever appeal to that generation...i mean...00s MTV generation...

Well you can always hope, no? Plus since your from the '00s MTV generation' and I am and we both are Morrissey fans then why cant others?! The people watching that stuff may be very young or ignorant or just normal, I think anybody can relate to Morrissey at some point in there lives, maybe early in there lives, later in life or after a particular event that happens to them.
Well you can always hope, no? Plus since your from the '00s MTV generation' and I am and we both are Morrissey fans then why cant others?! The people watching that stuff may be very young or ignorant or just normal, I think anybody can relate to Morrissey at some point in there lives, maybe early in there lives, later in life or after a particular event that happens to them.

it's too late for them lol. they've all received their lobotomies, sadly enough. the good thing about me is that i never ventured into mainstream culture crap, i was nicely sheltered from it, so i avoided the whole zombifying effect that they've all received. is it the same case with you? or have you been magically converted? i'd really like to know. it's fascinating.
Well, I the first morrissey song I heard was 'How Soon Is Now' about 4 years ago, and from that moment I've had great respect for the man and his ability to seem to write lyrics aimed at each one of us personally. But I wasn't sheltered from the so called 'culture crap' not that i've ever been particularly into it. I wouldn't call myself normal either, but i'm not that ab-normal..

What I'm saying is that anyone at any point in there life may find pleasure, comfort and watever else they wish to find by listening to any one of Morrissey's great back catalogue of songs. And its wrong to judge people purely on one telivision show that they watch?

Anyone gonna back me up on this!!!! lol. to bed.
Your rant is incredibly hilarious.
Last week you're angry with people who have no interested in Morrissey,

You're now screaming about disbelief discovering The Smiths/Morrissey song was on a TV show.

Any bands and artists cannnot choose their fans, they have to accept and use any media/tools to promote their music and activities.
There's no perfect world and perfect condition being someone's fan.
We have different taste and ideas, that's all.
I don't have elder sibilings and my parents have no interest in music. I had to put up with mainstream stuff, didn't know where to find music I like, but luckily found a friened who introduced me wonderful alternative music.

I had similar experiences when I was a teenager, thank god we didn't have internet at that time.:D
Your rant is incredibly hilarious.
Last week you're angry with people who have no interested in Morrissey,

You're now screaming about disbelief discovering The Smiths/Morrissey song was on a TV show.

Any bands and artists cannnot choose their fans, they have to accept and use any media/tools to promote their music and activities.
There's no perfect world and perfect condition being someone's fan.
We have different taste and ideas, that's all.
I don't have elder sibilings and my parents have no interest in music. I had to put up with mainstream stuff, didn't know where to find music I like, but luckily found a friened who introduced me wonderful alternative music.

I had similar experiences when I was a teenager, thank god we didn't have internet at that time.:D

what can i say but consistency is not a human trait!
you're 100% right. maybe I enjoy being dissatisfied by people who don't know who he is....but i think it's more that..i'd never even bother talking to those people to begin with. it's more that people who i associate with don't have a clue, and potential people who seem to be on the same level as me, disapoint me by not knowing!!!
my parents aren't good with music at all. one time we turned on the radio in the car, ACDC was playing and my dad was like "this is led zeppelin, right?"
i also have no siblings! but i remember when I was a kid, I used to look up to my friend's older sister who was really into 90s grunge. i mean, i don't like that now but back then, I knew I wasn't meant for bubblegum pop crap...i wanted to be like her.

although I did have a britney spears phase....mostly due to heavy peer pressure in grade 5
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