Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

an acquaintance on facebook was talking about how her dog is getting old and sick and thus their relationshp has changed and she actually said "i need to find a new normal for us", meaning her and the dog. she actually used that f***ing term, as though it's an actual f***ing term that she has been using all her life and not some catchphrase just made up to fit the current dreadful situation! god!! why do i go on facebook?!?! those people are SUCH infuriating idiots!!
too long; didn't care
Why don't you tell Karen again how she posts too much in between your endless and pointless posts?

I uploaded this beauty as my profile picture in an old email account that I don't use anymore. The thing is I received an alert that someone tried to sign in this account from a city in Belgium. The same city of this man I knew online when I used that same old email account 13 years ago. Just imagine. Some people never heard about using VPNs when they do bad things. They should visit this site and learn a couple of tricks. Why someone would try to break an account instead of just write to a person?
Life's shitty honey.
as with poetry, you need to take more than fifteen minutes if you wanna create something that people are actually gonna want to see or read. the idea that something you pumped out in fifteen minutes using dollar store watercolours is going to be of any interest to anyone is just insulting. you aint van gogh, right. try spending some time on a painting and THEN share it with us, how about?
as with poetry, you need to take more than fifteen minutes if you wanna create something that people are actually gonna want to see or read. the idea that something you pumped out in fifteen minutes using dollar store watercolours is going to be of any interest to anyone is just insulting. you aint van gogh, right. try spending some time on a painting and THEN share it with us, how about?
as with poetry, you need to take more than fifteen minutes if you wanna create something that people are actually gonna want to see or read. the idea that something you pumped out in fifteen minutes using dollar store watercolours is going to be of any interest to anyone is just insulting. you aint van gogh, right. try spending some time on a painting and THEN share it with us, how about?
You're such a character, someone should make a sitcom based on you.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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