Official Facebook Peter Katsis: Simpsons Responses (April 19, 2021)

"Surprising what a “turn for the worst" the writing for The Simpson’s tv show has taken in recent years.

Sadly, The Simpson’s show started out creating great insight into the modern cultural experience, but has since degenerated to trying to capitalize on cheap controversy and expounding on vicious rumors.

Poking fun at subjects is one thing. Other shows like SNL still do a great job at finding ways to inspire great satire.

But when a show stoops so low to use harshly hateful tactics like showing the Morrissey character with his belly hanging out of his shirt (when he has never looked like that at any point in his career) makes you wonder who the real hurtful, racist group is here.

Even worse - calling the Morrissey character out for being a racist, without pointing out any specific instances, offers nothing. It only serves to insult the artist.

They should take that mirror and hold it up to themselves.

Simpson’s actor Hank Azaria's recent apology to the whole country of India for his role in upholding "structural racism” says it all.

Unlike the character in the Simpson’s “Panic” episode…….

Morrissey has never made a “cash grab”, hasn’t sued any people for their attacks, has never stopped performing great shows, and is still a serious vegan and strong supporter for animal rights.

By suggesting all of the above in this episode…the Simpson’s hypocritical approach to their storyline says it all.

Truly they are the only ones who have stopped creating, and have instead turned unapologetically hurtful and racist.

Not surprising…... that The Simpsons viewership ratings have gone down so badly over recent years."

As guessed - author is Peter Katsis.

Update - a second post from Peter Katsis:

More shoddy journalism by COS and Pitchfork today.

They attributed my quote (on The Simpson’s poor writing) to Morrissey, while using false facts to try and support more meaningless stories

More former journalistic press outlets now turning to the same tactics The Simpson’s used to gain attention.

Other real papers, like Rolling Stone, called to ask who wrote the comment.

Someone should tell COS and Pitchfork that is what is called “journalism".

In the meantime nobody has even mentioned the horrible false portrayal of Morrissey used by The Simpsons team. - Peter Katsis

Update - third post. Link posted by Uncleskinny:

Thinking more today on this Simpson’s bullshit…..

Why did Cumberbatch even agree to take this voice-over gig playing the Morrissey character?

Could he be that hard up for cash that he would agree to bad rap another artist that harshly?

Clearly he would have read the outline or script before he took the gig.

Could he actually be as big an asshole as the people on The Simpson’s writing team? and the FOX team?

Apparently so. Maybe he should speak up and tell his side of this.

Does he even have enough balls to do that? - PK

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Oh my! Hahahahah! I've just read that. What a pathetic missive. Supposing they hadn't portrayed what they had done, they'd be praising the show to the rafters for keeping him in the spotlight. Instead we get a railing against the freedom to be racist, and a gilt-edged example of shooting the messenger, not the message ("The Simpsons viewership ratings have gone down so badly over recent years."). I wonder if he can think of anyone else whose ratings have gone down so badly over the years?

Also - "Morrissey...hasn’t sued any people for their attacks" - yes he has - has he forgotten when he sued The Word?

How far he has fallen. He deserves everything he gets.
Yes and he WON his case against The Word ( that numbskull Quantick if I remember)
Any comment Peter on that ???
While I’m neither well versed nor experienced in this state of being, I really don’t think any sane level headed person spends years of their life hating on some single individual on a small online message forum. Especially a person who has absolutely no idea or care that they exist. I would urge Skinny to get professional help, but after thinking about it for a few seconds more, he really might be too far gone. How many years has he spent in this enraged delusional behavior? That’s rhetorical. I really will stop now, I genuinely don’t want to cause this man mental breakdown—Further, that is.
I think that Morrissey is aware of who Uncle Skinny is.
I sure as night follows day, here's another 'article' that nobody will read except via the link here. Save your self the trouble, you know exactly what this is like. By which I mean reheated leftovers from the turd buffet of the previous rushed-out 'statement', plus a few things that look like sentences.

As sure as night follows day, here’s another regurgitated piece of hate from a troubled excuse for a man, which nobody should be forced to read except your therapist...

Save the rest of us here the trouble of reading your drivel, we know exactly what you’re like, you sad buffoon.

Skinny’s really enjoying this. :sleeping:Pathetic.

Meanwhile, I’m listening to the wonderful IANADOAC and looking forward to his next record, which as always, will be another success for Morrissey and his friends.

In other words...

life is good.


It's supposed to be a Snuffs reunion? So that's versions of Johnny, Andy and Mike with him on stage?

Because the bassist looks more like Johnny than the guitarist...

(I haven't watched it and I don't intend to.)

Yesterday, I really wanted to watch the episode, but had no access to it.

Today, after reading all articles and comments about it, I woudn't watch it for the world!

I feel so personally hurt by what they did to Morrissey, that I'm having some crazy ideas such as how we fans could get together, raise money, sue their asses, win millions and donate all the money to the causes Morrissey support and also to some refugees camps in Europe.

We fans need to do something more effective than simply comment...

What do you think, Girl?
God please Eric Clapton and Morrissey hook up for a song and respond to this bs. Every time something like this happens the victim just rolls over are politely points out the unfairness and cruelty. Very poor ineffectual messaging
All of his Facebook words could be him addressing himself.
China never got an apology.
Deep inside he knows he's screwed up but the narcissist in him can never admit it.
Fame gone.
Infamy now, not in a good way.
f***in' Boomers.

And sons of Boomers...Gen Xers, Etc.

This has kinda confirmed for me that American Smiths fans never truly GOT IT...?

No Offence, obviously


Well, the husband of the cartoonist
was supposedly a ‘fan’ so I guess that’s were they got a lot of their misinformation from.

Though I think a few British ‘fans’ have also misunderstood Morrissey and have turned their backs on him.

Anyway, regardless of were some ‘fans’ are from, it just goes to show how some folks are easily duped and made tools of by outside gossip and hateful opinions, instead of thinking for themselves.

If only more people would just follow their hearts..

Viva Moz !!!

Well, the husband of the cartoonist
was supposedly a ‘fan’ so I guess that’s were they got a lot of their misinformation from.

Though I think a few British ‘fans’ have also misunderstood Morrissey and have turned their backs on him.

Anyway, regardless of were some ‘fans’ are from, it just goes to show how some folks are easily duped and made tools of by outside gossip and hateful opinions, instead of thinking for themselves.

If only more people would just follow their hearts..

Viva Moz !!!


Morrissey followed his heart. It led him to For Britain.
The Apu accusations started in 2017 with the documentary The Problem With Apu.

They got some flack when they brushed it off.

It became a bigger problem when the Black Lives Matter protests started in May 2020 nearly a year ago.

So Hank Azaria apologising & giving a non-mainstream (& therefore not rich or connected enough to fight back) celebrity a kicking was probably part of the same strategy.

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It’s obvious this Simpsons episode is a cash grab and using M as folk devil/scapegoat.

skinny is all jumpy over the stupid cartoon.:)
only moroons watch cartoons for FFS:lbf:

Skinny is being just the same skinny...

But you shouldn't downplay the whole thing. It can be hurtful to Morrissey in many levels.

Many fans thoughout the world heard of of The Simpsons episode on The Smiths and Morrissey (I'm in BR and it was anticipated in some websites here) and looked forward to watching it.

Do something, Vegan!
this cartoon has never been funny its a disaster a comedy katastrofa. 'Homer' thats the Skinny like head cartoon.:blushing:
very stupid cartoon. Skinny looking cartoon.:blushing:

now all the intellectual woke philosoper type trolls are stupid cartoon aficionados.o_O
God please Eric Clapton and Morrissey hook up for a song and respond to this bs. Every time something like this happens the victim just rolls over are politely points out the unfairness and cruelty. Very poor ineffectual messaging
Do you know what the story is with Eric Clapton and The Simpsons?
The Simpson writers did a bait and switch. He got all the Moz fans to watch and then took a hatchet to him. These pricks are lower than scum. Pushing their political agenda at the expense of others. This whole racist bit is so 2019. You are like way behind the times Simpsons. Maybe you can get more current in the future. If anybody still cares. They took every negative aspect of Morrissey and every stereotype of Morrissey and used it against him. Maybe they are still mad that he would not do the voice-over all those years ago! A FU! to the writers of The Simpson and their agenda.
Skinny is being just the same skinny...

But you shouldn't downplay the whole thing. It can be hurtful to Morrissey in many levels.

Many fans thoughout the world heard of of The Simpsons episode on The Smiths and Morrissey (I'm in BR and it was anticipated in some websites here) and looked forward to watching it.

Do something, Vegan!

what type of moroon makes cartoons FFS, its like watching for the easter bunny or the fairy who takes your tooth at night:blushing:
this cartoon is watched by nobody, except this episode by skinny and the trolls as they are commanded by skinny. radish is now an aficionado of the stupid racist cartoon.:rolleyes:
surface is probably still figuring out the time its supposed to be on.:)

thats the skinny troll bag now, the stupid racist homer cartoon.:rage:
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