Pat Reid Email Response regarding bootlegs!



I bellieve this is of everyone's interest:
> I bellieve this is of everyone's interest:


is this from the whole DVD debate?

hey, he says he's looking for stories from american fans on what "moz means to them". isn't that a bit too late? isnt the book coming out soon? or did it slide down that same wormhole that mark simpsons book did?

here is my life story, Pat, if you so want it:

i was born. but i can't remember when because i was too young.

oops, sorry. i started going Marx bros.

let's see, where was I?

i awoke, and there was this big white light and i saw my grandmother....

oh wait... i jumped to the end of my life.

sorry. nothing has happened yet. i suppose we'll have to wait for reincarnation
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