My interview (with stone philips)all is revealed

No! No kisses for you! Not even digital ones until you are properly woke and learn to respect women as equals! They are not simply fodder for your average penis! You will acknowledge the female mind, respect the female mind, and love the female mind AND YOU WILL LIKE IT.
:hearteyes: Stop! You're making me hard. :cool:
I know, I probably need to take myself off to a corner and sit on the naughty chair.

You just sit over there and shush :nomouth:
Do not return until you’ve fixed your heart.
it's sad that the only way bhops can relate to women is to question whether they're f***able or not. weird that he would do it on a message board where he has no chance of f***ing any of them anyway. I suspect he does it to belittle women. it's troglodyte behaviour, for sure, and makes him the last person whose opinion about f***ability or unf***ability I would care about.

get out of here with your speculating, bhops, you gross creep.
That means I love you in swedish.
Such toxic masculinity! I bet you grew up ashamed of yourself so you try to mask your inadequacies by tearing down those you perceive to be weaker than you! Nagl.

Are you trying to die alone? Because this is how you die alone...
We all die alone.
I finally listened, despite hating rifke.

I found it extremely clever and now I have a totally different impression of rifke.
I give it a big Agent Cooper thumbs up and a smile.


That's the highest accolade I can bestow.
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I finally listened, despite hating rifke.

I found it extremely clever and now I have a totally different impression of rifke.
I give it a big Agent Cooper thumbs up and a smile.


That's the highest accolade I can bestow.

See! I told you! Her little laugh at 1:42 just melted my heart!
im honoured!:tiphat:

didn't know you hated me, though.... im so charming though? :(

I don't hate you. I just found you slightly obnoxious...on the innocuous side of obnoxious.

But the interview thing was funny and well written/performed and showed more verve than's been seen on here in a decade.

Cheers. I mean no harm.
Who am I to say this kind of stuff? Someone in my own aim of this time, anyway. I’m only saying this because it’s something I know. Anyway…yeah, that’s my tip.
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