Moz as game-show host



Spotted on B3TA - the thread is "If songs were game shows", or something along those lines. Raised a titter here.


Moz Game Show
Don't know what it was called in the UK, but here we had "Family Feud" with Hogan's Hero's Richard Dawson having to kiss each female.

Can't see Mozzy doing such a vile thing.
> That is very poor indeed

It made me snigger fair enough, but it's not the best. What other Smiths/Moz songs would be candidates for game shows? God, I'm tapping a very thin vein here. Err...

I Want The One I Can't Have (a bit like The Price is Right)

I Don't Owe You Anything (Contestants play to pay off their mortgage)

Best Friend On The Payroll (Win your mate's salary for a year!)

Get Off The Stage (X-Factor)

I Like You (Blind Date variant)

Paint A Vulgar Picture (Nancy Kominsky, anyone?)

I've already got me coat, so don't ask.

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