Morrissey Central "Liverpool Lunar Landing" (July 21, 2023)


Germaine Greer protectively watches over
Juan Galeano (bass) and Brendan Buckley (drums).
Photo by Violeta.
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: he's really taking the piss isn't he? Knowing full well that everything with "lunar landing" coming from him first produces a slight concern. And also: Photo source is credited! (although she's SER's friend, so not really a surprise there)

Great photo of Juan in action!
I remember reading The Female Eunich by Germaine Greer when I was 18, and how gloomy it felt. Maybe I'll read it again.
Tony Bennett has passed away.
No doubt it'll appear on Morrissey Central soon enough with a fawning message.
Mr Felton put plenty on his social media over last few days
Hoping for another M Central post no doubt
I'm sure in one of the recent clips I saw Juan do a kind of ^'jump'^ while playing (maybe attempting some kinda 'lunar landing' of his own). He generally plays quite sedately (head down, slight body movement at the most), so on that particular occasion he must have been really enjoying himself!
Tony Bennett has passed away.
No doubt it'll appear on Morrissey Central soon enough with a fawning message.
“I was supposed to have lunch with him in Kuala Lumpur in 1996, but I was hungover as f*** so I just cancelled. Fly high over that rainbow bridge my sweet, sweet angel. I wish you could have had lunch with me that one time decades ago. I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet me.
Lots of love XXXX

P.S. The reptilians are here! They are in government and in record companies. The reptilian agenda is against me.
If you are interested in helping bring down the shape-shifters and/or financing my next few records, please contact Donnie Knutson personally via email : [email protected].”
Flippancy apart ; I'm surprised that no footage has been shared on Central of the Sweet and Tender Hooligan encore , and the crowd getting over the barrier etc.
That's why he does it by the way , not for the money @Uncleskinny
“I was supposed to have lunch with him in Kuala Lumpur in 1996, but I was hungover as f*** so I just cancelled. Fly high over that rainbow bridge my sweet, sweet angel. I wish you could have had lunch with me that one time decades ago. I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet me.
Lots of love XXXX

P.S. The reptilians are here! They are in government and in record companies. The reptilian agenda is against me.
If you are interested in helping bring down the shape-shifters and/or financing my next few records, please contact Donnie Knutson personally via email : [email protected].”
Not all reptilians are bad. I wouldn't mind cold blooded Diana's forked tongue flickering at me.

Not all reptilians are bad. I wouldn't mind cold blooded Diana's forked tongue flickering at me.

I was inhabiting the mind of Morrissey.
Sorry if my character work went over your head.
Flippancy apart ; I'm surprised that no footage has been shared on Central of the Sweet and Tender Hooligan encore , and the crowd getting over the barrier etc.
That's why he does it by the way , not for the money @Uncleskinny
I hate @Uncleskinny as much as the next man (or trans-person), but I don’t think he’s wrong about the money thing.
But… doing your job for money is nothing to be ashamed of/shamed by others about. Of course it’s for the money: he wouldn’t be letting these half-pissed, half-bald, half-wit weirdos maul him on a stage for free. Nor should he. “He only does it for the money” is a stupid criticism - I only do my job for the money, as I imagine 99.9% of people do.
Moz is admitting that these are the only two talented members in his current band.
Three double-voddy-and-coke and he’ll believe/disbelieve anything you tell him.

I don't know. Drunk or sober, would the Kirk Douglas aspect make it more appealing to him, or less? To be honest, I think the moon landing conspiracy theory is a good one. It has layers of complexity (and Stanley Kubrick), unlike the unimaginative Notre Dame thing.
Not all reptilians are bad. I wouldn't mind cold blooded Diana's forked tongue flickering at me.

Why it just you, you and Stephen Hoffman, who have to show their hetrosexual credentials?
Why it just you, you and Stephen Hoffman, who have to show their hetrosexual credentials?
I don't think a hankering for lizards from outer space would necessarily be described as hetero. Although I guess if the lizard is female then it might be. Hmmm. Besides, who cares about credentials? We're all Moz fans. It's not like Moz Solo is a dating agency. And who is you, you? Have I a doppelganger on Moz Solo I didn't know about?

By the way, plenty of males on this site mention going to concerts or holidays with their wives. Stick that fact in your fuzzy beard for digestion later and Don't Gimme All Your 'Hatin.
Not all reptilians are bad. I wouldn't mind cold blooded Diana's forked tongue flickering at me.

Is she the one that swallows the rat, at the end of episode one? It still sticks in my mind, and it must be forty years since I saw it.
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