Happy Samhain!


Happy new year to all of my fellow Pagans and Wiccans: I know there used to be a few here in OT! For those who don't know, Samhain (Sawain) is Pagan New Year, when it is said the veil between the world of the living and the dead is at its thinnest, and it is from this festival Halloween decended. I have been celebrating, and am now sitting by candle light thinking about all that has happened in the last year, before I make myself some food. I always set an extra place at dinner on Samhain for those who have passed!
I always set an extra place at dinner on Samhain for those who have passed!

So that's where the tradition of pouring out a 40 oz. on your homie' s grave started!
In Japan we have a festival for the dead in summer (July 15th on Chinese calender).
We commemorate out ancestors and family members who passed away.
It's as important as new year celebration, sending gift to relatives and people you care about.

In Chinese calender this time of the year we have custom to admire Moon. :)
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