Best friend break-ups

Same here. Your revenge was awesome. :thumb:

I should have dropped this "friend" a loooong time ago. She was just a parasite. She took and took but never gave. I'm still friends with her sister, though, and she told me yesterday that she's started gaining weight and her boyfriend won't allow her to wear makeup. Sounds like she got herself into yet another shitty situation, only this time I won't be there to bail her out of it. And after the way she's treated everyone else, I don't think they will be either.

I'm sorry about your situation as well. If I were in your shoes I surely would have been crushed by the whole thing. Sometimes I wonder what the hell is wrong with people out there that they feel they can treat others with such total disrespect and see nothing wrong with it.

p.s. I love your avatar. The Dude abides.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend and you are right, I should have used a different word.

Hey no worries; I can see why you were pissed off.
Disappointed; your story is sad, too. my mum has had a lot of friends just cut her off like that too; and it's so sad, it's worse than being dumped in a way.
I also got dumped by a male friend of mine who literally said to me 'I have too many friends' and that he didn't want to be friends with me anymore. That was about three years ago. Mind you, he is mentally ill.

Mostly though; it is women who do this to each other. It makes me wonder why?
I've been thinking I need to get rid of a friend. After 11 years I've seen her get married and have 2 kids, a couple jobs...but when her oldest began school last year my friend started making friends who had kids and our get-togethers and birthday celebrations, Xmas exchanges etc. have gotten further and further apart. I have her kids' Xmas presents sitting right here, and when I ran into her about a month ago she acted like she was excited to see me and I believed her when she said 'Yeah, we need to go out for your b-day sometime, I owe you!' which was in November. I was calling her once a week to see if she wanted me to take the kids out, or if she wanted to get together...she doesn't get back to me. It becomes stressful. The last time I called I said 'Well, I'll talk to you the next time you call me.' It makes me sad, but oh well. I feel like I've done my part.
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