164 signatures but surely there are thousands of you!



Contrary to popular opinion, a few people have been kind enough to sign..

Please support my 'Give Morrissey A Record Deal NOW' petition at www.gopetition.com.
> Contrary to popular opinion, a few people have been kind enough to sign..

> Please support my 'Give Morrissey A Record Deal NOW' petition at
> www.gopetition.com .

i signed.
> i signed.

I signed 162 times.
it may look like thousands....

but most of the "people" here are mozzerian.

in total, only 10 people actually visit this website. and the number of people who actually like morrissey is 3.

you made a rare accomplishment in getting that many signatures.
I've got quite a few names too but this is the coolest.......

Yoshinoshi rimjob mania. I is the most boring pimp in the whole world (just like that stupid impersonater of mine whatever he's called)
Re: I've got quite a few names too but this is the coolest.......

> I is the most boring pimp in the whole world
> (just like that stupid impersonater of mine whatever he's called)
that stupid impersonater is a she and she is mindy.
> Contrary to popular opinion, a few people have been kind enough to sign..

> Please support my 'Give Morrissey A Record Deal NOW' petition at
> www.gopetition.com .

I signed it just now.
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