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  1. nogodsnomasters85

    Barack Hussein Obama's Willfull Violation of the U.S. Constitution: Impeach him?

    Eleven consecutive posts without prompting or response. That has to be a new record. One wonders, since it's clearly capable of entertaining itself, why must the rest of us suffer?
  2. nogodsnomasters85

    What song by Morrissey would you choose for your funeral/memorial service?

    Either "Will Never Marry", or "Everyday is Like Sunday."
  3. nogodsnomasters85

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Whoops. My bad. I can’t tell from text, I merely assumed. Of course, we all know what happens when one does that. Phrases like this just give me the warm fuzzies.
  4. nogodsnomasters85

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Absolutely. However, this project at hand does not require a PHD. I'm merely critically evaluating a public institution. This is really masturbatory nonsense. I'm perfectly aware of the limitations of human knowledge, but I'm pretty sure we exist and are having this conversation, clearly so...
  5. nogodsnomasters85

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Non-academic, possibly. I could very well concede that. Otherwise, nonsense. This is absurd. One does not need a theology degree to use and understand the word 'religion.' We're going to have to agree to disagree. This is a total impasse. I think this is so fundamentally wrong. What...
  6. nogodsnomasters85

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Yes, words have multiple meaning and interpretations. However, I know what I meany by it, and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, as well. So, it's really irrelevant. First of all, making a moral judgement was part of my whole point. That religion necessitates and perpetuates barbarism...
  7. nogodsnomasters85

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    You need to take up meditation, or yoga or something. There's no comparison. I 'believe' in a material universe, governed by the four forces, by the laws of thermodynamics, etc. This 'belief', if you want to call it that, is based on empirical evidence and observation. I am just as passionate...
  8. nogodsnomasters85

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    No. From Merriam-Webster: " re·li·gion Pronunciation: \ri-ˈli-jən\ Function: noun Date: 13th century 1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or...
  9. nogodsnomasters85

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Awww.. Why, thank you. I think human nature gets a bad rap. I also think it gets thrown around too carelessly. I think a lot gets attributed to it that shouldn't be, most of it bad. No, it's not the only one, but it's the worst one. Most Chinese citizens can get around the ban, one of...
  10. nogodsnomasters85

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Jackie London & Emotional Guide Dog, I'm just going to post one response, because you're oth essentially making the same argument, so I'll just 'kill two birds' as the saying goes... First, as Jackie London asks, what is religion? Religion includes culture, and practices, clothing, rituals...
  11. nogodsnomasters85

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    No, no, no. I'm not pre-judging, I'm judging. That is a logical conclusion based on the facts. It's absolutely true. Some religions are worse than others, but they're all fundamentally bad.
  12. nogodsnomasters85

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    It sounds like you're misunderstanding atheism. I can't prove there is no god. However, I also can't prove there are no unicorns. Theres' about as much evidence for one as the other. This does not mean that I should seriously consider the existence of unicorns, or that study or speculation into...
  13. nogodsnomasters85

    Scientists create life

    Re: Scientists CREATE Life! I do!
  14. nogodsnomasters85

    Scientists create life

    Re: Scientists CREATE Life! The didn't create life in the sense they didn't invent a lifeform that did not previously exist, and they didn't build the shell, the host cell it was transplanted into. They built, emphasis on that word built DNA, the instructions for every organism that defines...
  15. nogodsnomasters85

    Scientists create life

    From Science Daily(Excerpt.);Scientists have developed the first cell controlled by a synthetic genome. They now hope to use this method to probe the basic machinery of life and to engineer bacteria specially designed to solve environmental or energy problems. ...The research team, led by Craig...
  16. nogodsnomasters85

    In Memory of Howard Zinn

    A recent piece from Chomsky's website; Howard Zinn By Noam Chomsky Forthcoming in the Resist Newsletter, February 2010 It is not easy for me to write a few words about Howard Zinn, the great American activist and historian who passed away a few days ago. He was a very close friend for...
  17. nogodsnomasters85

    Do you want to get in shape?

    I actually desperately need to get back in shape, but I can assure you that I will not be doing the "Sanctified Slide." I'll just have to get by without divine intervention.
  18. nogodsnomasters85

    In Memory of Howard Zinn

    No offense, but I sort of thought the comparison was a bit overreaching, myself. Who is a greater influence on activists who identify as Anarchists and who has made a greater contribution to Anarchism, intellectually, or otherwise, are different questions. Again, I suspect this might also have...
  19. nogodsnomasters85

    In Memory of Howard Zinn

    I must admit I'm only peripherally aware of the British radical scene. I'm aware of Colin Ward, I think I've read some pamphlets, "Anarchy in Action" was on my list of books I haven't gotten around to reading yet, which is about a mile long. I'm presently neglecting Kurzweil's "The...
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