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  1. M

    Happy Birthday MadameChaos!!

    Thank you thank you. You're too kind.
  2. M

    Happy Birthday, EP Babe!

    happy birthday!!!!!
  3. M

    Bands/singers you knew before anyone else/and/or before they did got famous...

    I went to see The Mighty Boosh back in 2001 at Swansea University. Always knew they would make it big one day. *makes self satisfied face*
  4. M

    New boss (Obama).. same as the old boss

    Aren't you a bit PREMATURE. He hasn't even been sworn in yet. Give the man a chance.
  5. M

    The You Can Frink Whoever You Like Thread

    Can't remember if I've posted in here before, anyways. He's a super frink, super frink, he's super frinkaaay!!! All hail Christian Bale.
  6. M

    Do you use the morrissey-solo Chat room?

    No. I can't get it to work for me.
  7. M

    my girlfriend forgot her birth control 2 consecutive days and we had unprotected sex.

    Re: my girlfriend forgot her birth control 2 consecutive days and we had unprotected get Levonelle from your nearest chemist.
  8. M

    Best Rock Band In World: OASIS

    *spits tea all over computer screen in shock* shut up
  9. M

    do you act differently on the internet than in actuality?

    I don't speak to people in real life, apart from through a sock puppet. You are very priveliged.
  10. M

    I need a place to crash.

    Try this site it's the bees knees.
  11. M

    Who's good at photoshop?

    What difference does it make? Same puppetmaster, different puppet.
  12. M

    Who's good at photoshop?

    McCain. Always think of these lyrics when i see him for some reason. "Cause people like you Make me feel so tired When will you die ?"
  13. M

    Madonna Divorce Is Confirmed

    I'm still reeling from the Pizza/Pasta Hut fiasco. I don't know if my fragile little mind can take this too. Thank goodness I have my savings, I can go to Weston Super Mare and have a nice bag of chips on the Grand Pier.
  14. M

    Pizza Hut/Pasta Hut?

    Really pointless. Why do companies think that they have to rebrand all the time? All they needed to do was bring in the extra pasta dishes and run a few special promotions to make people aware of them. Simple as. Total waste of money changing the signs.
  15. M

    Who ruined Great Britain?

    I liked this; 20 Tim Westwood Middle-aged Westwood is a Radio 1 disc jockey who has so immersed himself in the music of black rappers and American-style hip-hoppers that he has started to talk like one - and is leading thousands of young listeners down the same ill-guided alley. Westwood...
  16. M

    Holly and Hef have broken up.

    I'm with you on that. *trembling lip* I'm totally crushed for thingy and wotsit.
  17. M

    THE greatest album cover in history

    No, tell me now. Is it a bum and a marble?
  18. M

    Trust & Distinction amongst good vs. bad

    I'm a pretty good judge of character really. never found anything but diamonds on here to be honest, though a few are rough diamonds. :p
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