Why does John McCain remind me Of My Grandpa?


Not Dead Yet
Seriously, the man's speeches come across like, "Come here and let me tell you about the good old days. Things were so great back then"...
Isn't the whole point of every Republican presidential candidate to remind everyone of their grandfather?

He's putting me to sleep...."I have a few years on my opponent..."

But the idea of Hillary in the VP slot, is making him sound more appealing. I don't like the idea of a Clinton a heartbeat away from the presidency any more than a Quayle being there.
Like the Dems' so-called 'Mommy Problem.' When the American people want someone to protect them and make them feel big and tough, they vote RePUBElican. When they want to be molly-coddled with jobs and education, they vote Democrat. Yep, everything I know about American politics I learned from The West Wing.:o

At least he's not as senile as Bob Dole.
he is an awful speaker,its painful to watch him look from side to side to each teleprompter.

plus he looks like the scary dude from Poltergeist 2

seeing how hillary is now dust,i will now bump this thread till he is dust,well he already is dust.



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