We will not stand for the f***ing signs being removed!



British tourists have left the residents of one charming Austrian village effing and blinding by constantly stealing the signs for their oddly named village.

While British visitors are finding it hilarious, the residents of f***ing are failing to see the funny side.

Only one kind of criminal stalks the sleepy 32-house village near Salzburg on the German border - cheeky British tourists armed with a sense of humor and a screwdriver.

But the local authorities are hitting back with the signs now set in concrete, police chief Kommandant Schmidtberger is on the lookout.

"We will not stand for the f***ing signs being removed," the officer said.

"It may be very amusing for you British, but f***ing is simply f***ing to us. What is this big f***ing joke? It is puerile."

Local tourist guide Andreas Behmueller said it was only the British that had a fixation with f***ing.

"The Germans all want to see the Mozart house in Salzburg," he explained. "Every American seems to care only about 'The Sound of Music' (the 1965 film shot around Salzburg.) The occasional Japanese wants to see Hilter's birthplace in Braunau."

"But for the British, it's all about f***ing."

Guesthouse manager Augustina Lindelbauer described the village's breathtaking lakes, forests and vistas. "Yet still there is this obsession with f***ing," she said. "Just this morning I had to tell an English lady that there were no f***ing postcards."

There's always the classic...


and this is not too far from me...


For more of this sort of thing, try http://www.farfromdull.com/, http://www.i-r-genius.com/rudeplaces.html and http://www.cowdery.org.uk/rude.php.

The island where I'm from there was a village called Onna, but it merged with another village few years ago.
Onna means "pay gratitude", but same pronounciation of woman in Japanese.
There is a place called Inbu in Onna.
Inbu means a part of coast, but again same pronounciation of a private part in Japanese.
When a typoon hit the area sometime in 70s which damaged some roads of Inbu.
Some news readers reported it on TV, but everyone couldn't help imagining something naughty because of the combination of those words. :D
Well, I live in Escondido but we call it, "Escondildo" :D
I can't help giggling at these kinda things...its so silly. :D I would be very tempted to nick the sign. Just like if there was a sign saying Morrissey, or Smiths, or my name or something else significant.
I often hear of this "british humour", still not sure what it is about. Sarcasm?
I know I like my british pals' sense of humour.

Hmmm...it's almost impossible to define sense of humour of particular nationarity.
You can write an essay about it. :o
Ever wanted to know the reason mozza won't play again in Western Pennsylvania?



Has it got anything to do with "intercourse" and "blue balls?"
I live - honest to God - at the corner of Velliquette and Lickert-Harder (say it very fast) :). The road is named for a pair of prominent agricultural families in my village.

The street signs are so commonly stolen all of the new ones now simply say L. Harder.

Also, in the "large city" nearby (about 18,000) there is a Cemetry St. Which always makes me think of Moz.
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