Morrissey Central "UNTO EARTH I" (November 25, 2020)



Maradona dies.

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Gracias Diego por mostrarnos lo que somos, por desnudar el gobierno que tenemos.
Por dejarnos en claro que tenemos un país que cuando nuestros abuelos agonizan y no tienen acceso a una ambulancia, vos tuviste 11 paradas en tu casa por horas.
En un país donde la policía no dejó circular a una nena con cáncer y su padre la tuvo que alzar 5 km, vos tuviste cientos de policías haciendo una caravana para llevarte a casa Rosada.
Un país donde miles de personas no pudieron despedirse de sus familiares pero vos tuviste una despedida multitudinaria y descontrolada.
Si, es el mismo país donde este presidente nos tuvo encerrados 9 meses e hizo quebrar miles de empresas, donde muchos quedaron varados sin poder llegar a su hogar y donde tantos otros murieron en soledad.
Gracias Diego por permitir que se muestre a flor de piel estas 2 argentinas: Una para famosos y políticos donde todo vale y otra para los ciudadanos comunes que tenemos que cumplir las reglas de aquellos que no las cumplen.
A vos que te gustaba sacarle la careta a todo Diego, hoy le sacaste la careta a la cuarentena y al gobierno que apoyabas.
Que descanses en paz y nuevamente Gracias!
Pretty much sums that guy up, doesn’t it?
Morrissey is on the side of Argentina over the Falklands.

If he played the Falklands he might change his mind but I can't see him on a tiny island full of soldiers & sheep farmers.

And it's always fascinating to see which of his previous controversial views get tacked on to the end of whatever the latest one is. If they hate him it's China, if they don't hate him THAT much it's guillotining Mrs Thatcher.
Nothing gets tacked onto to the end. It’s a chronological list. No fakery. Nothing misconstrued. ...just a pile of shit that’s grown for years, as it’s dribbled from his miserable, narcissist gob.

He supported and received money and benefits from the worst dictatorships of the region: Cuba and Venezuela. He is the symbol of everything that is wrong in our country, he is the symbol of our decadence. He was a woman beater, a father who despised his children, a psychopath, he supported the most corrupt politicians in our country, he surrounded himself of the worst kind of people: criminals, drug dealers, bootlickers. He only was maybe one of the best football player but that isn't enough. Football was nice before him, after him it was all about winning at all costs, violence and disrespect. Lots of violent people like him but lots of common people here -mainly women- hated him for what he represented: the worst of our country, barbarism. During his life he chose the people who surrounded him, they are the ones that are taking advantage of the circus of his funeral. Rest In Peace and never come back.
new here are you,should you not be doing your homework,dont forget your apple for teacher.

Shows how low Aztec has sunk, he has to create an anon to respond to his own posts. The day he mocked Morrissey's mums passing was the day he ceased to be funny.
When will some turgid English fans let it go? It says more about them that they still bang on about that one moment 34 years later. And never really mention the other goal that day ..
Maradona was the GOAT. I'd recommend the documentary last year which concentrated on his time in Napoli. He transcended football, like a Mohammed Ali or Usain Bolt

He supported and received money and benefits from the worst dictatorships of the region: Cuba and Venezuela. He is the symbol of everything that is wrong in our country, he is the symbol of our decadence. He was a woman beater, a father who despised his children, a psychopath, he supported the most corrupt politicians in our country, he surrounded himself of the worst kind of people: criminals, drug dealers, bootlickers. He only was maybe one of the best football player but that isn't enough. Football was nice before him, after him it was all about winning at all costs, violence and disrespect. Lots of violent people like him but lots of common people here -mainly women- hated him for what he represented: the worst of our country, barbarism. During his life he chose the people who surrounded him, they are the ones that are taking advantage of the circus of his funeral. Rest In Peace and never come back.
The simple truth is that he had almost no education and life showed him that he didn't need to increase his education. He managed to become successful without the need of being able to understand the meaning of any basic book... And then he lived most of his life being either drunk or on drugs.

I really doubt he had any kind of understanding of the issues you mention.

He was also a fan of Karl Marx. I take it for granted that he has never read "The Capital", I even assume that he didn't read the Communist Manifesto... I assume he was able to identify Marx in a photo and had the general idea that he was good for the lower classes... But without a way of being able to explain how or why.

I don't think he had the mental faculties to understand most things that are going on in the world... So it's hard to judge him with those standards. I know you are a well-read person... I don't think he was able to, say, understand the meaning of a book written for very young teens.

He supported and received money and benefits from the worst dictatorships of the region: Cuba and Venezuela. He is the symbol of everything that is wrong in our country, he is the symbol of our decadence. He was a woman beater, a father who despised his children, a psychopath, he supported the most corrupt politicians in our country, he surrounded himself of the worst kind of people: criminals, drug dealers, bootlickers. He only was maybe one of the best football player but that isn't enough. Football was nice before him, after him it was all about winning at all costs, violence and disrespect. Lots of violent people like him but lots of common people here -mainly women- hated him for what he represented: the worst of our country, barbarism. During his life he chose the people who surrounded him, they are the ones that are taking advantage of the circus of his funeral. Rest In Peace and never come back.
Many things can be questionable in Maradona but i never hit women and represents the poorest class of society that rechead the top in its own way ,but from there to say that Maradona is to blame for the decline of the country is to analyze Very Superficially things ,i have no interest in football and i have NO HEROES,but if i thank Maradona for the happy moments he gave my country,that's all.
I wonder if Moz celebrates the BIRTH of anyone? Its how it all works old fella...
Nothing gets tacked onto to the end. It’s a chronological list. No fakery. Nothing misconstrued. ...just a pile of shit that’s grown for years, as it’s dribbled from his miserable, narcissist gob.

Do you work for The Sun?
The simple truth is that he had almost no education and life showed him that he didn't need to increase his education. He managed to become successful without the need of being able to understand the meaning of any basic book... And then he lived most of his life being either drunk or on drugs.

I really doubt he had any kind of understanding of the issues you mention.

He was also a fan of Karl Marx. I take it for granted that he has never read "The Capital", I even assume that he didn't read the Communist Manifesto... I assume he was able to identify Marx in a photo and had the general idea that he was good for the lower classes... But without a way of being able to explain how or why.

I don't think he had the mental faculties to understand most things that are going on in the world... So it's hard to judge him with those standards. I know you are a well-read person... I don't think he was able to, say, understand the meaning of a book written for very young teens.

Having no formal education doesn't mean you have to take bad decisions in life. I know a lot of people with almost none formal education who only made good things in their lives. I admire and respect those people because I know what means to work hard in life. I refuse to excuse a psycopath.
Shows how low Aztec has sunk, he has to create an anon to respond to his own posts. The day he mocked Morrissey's mums passing was the day he ceased to be funny.
Yes that sad no???
Answering yourself that speaks of a diagnosis= chronic delirium and they will have to look for the cause ,which is some type of psychosis.......
He is name is = Aztecamara ,
Ii think, and now he is a Moz caller...because nobody gives him a ball and he doesn't know what to do get attention
Many things can be questionable in Maradona but i never hit women and represents the poorest class of society that rechead the top in its own way ,but from there to say that Maradona is to blame for the decline of the country is to analyze Very Superficially things ,i have no interest in football and i have NO HEROES,but if i thank Maradona for the happy moments he gave my country,that's all.
I didn't blame him for the decline of our country, I said he was a symbol of our decadence. No happy moments can hide the poverty and barbarism of our country.
I do like football and I am not being shallow. I'm very sad for what we are living in our country, I'm very sad for the stupidity of some people. Maybe that's the difference between you and me.
No lo culpé por la decadencia de nuestro país, dije que era un símbolo de nuestra decadencia. Ningún momento feliz puede ocultar la pobreza y la barbarie de nuestro país.
Me gusta el fútbol y no soy superficial. Estoy muy triste por lo que estamos viviendo en nuestro país, estoy muy triste por la estupidez de algunas personas. Quizás esa sea la diferencia entre tú y yo.
Estas equvocado conmigo no me conoces yo soy una de las ie mas amargadas en ver la decadencia de nuestro pais, los gobiernos ni este ni el anterior me representan, creo que estamos siendo invadidos por otras culturas mas bajas que la de por lo menos mis antepasados , que eeran inmigrantes europeos pobres pero con otros valores, veo que se va perdiendo todo eso y que cada vez la sociedad es mas decadente y la barbarie va increyendo, es lamentable, pasa lo mismo que dice Morrissey en su pais, yo lo apoyo en esa postura, porque lamentablemente europa sera invadida por otras culturas a las que no estan acostumbrados
pero todo esta ideado a generar mas ignorancia para atraer mas votos de ignorantes mas pobreza y mas decadencia es lamentable
Estas equvocado conmigo no me conoces yo soy una de las ie mas amargadas en ver la decadencia de nuestro pais, los gobiernos ni este ni el anterior me representan, creo que estamos siendo invadidos por otras culturas mas bajas que la de por lo menos mis antepasados , que eeran inmigrantes europeos pobres pero con otros valores, veo que se va perdiendo todo eso y que cada vez la sociedad es mas decadente y la barbarie va increyendo, es lamentable, pasa lo mismo que dice Morrissey en su pais, yo lo apoyo en esa postura, porque lamentablemente europa sera invadida por otras culturas a las que no estan acostumbrados
pero todo esta ideado a generar mas ignorancia para atraer mas votos de ignorantes mas pobreza y mas decadencia es lamentable
I am not on the side of any crack
The last thing Europe needs is to be invaded by ignorance.
I am not on the side of any crack

It doesn't seem so. To be fair you come across as middle of the back side on the whole. Would it be fair to say regarding Morrissey you are right up there?
Having no formal education doesn't mean you have to take bad decisions in life. I know a lot of people with almost none formal education who only made good things in their lives. I admire and respect those people because I know what means to work hard in life. I refuse to excuse a psycopath.
I honestly don't know much about football. I think the only three football players I can mention are Maradona, Pelé and Messi... I don't even know the name of a fourth one.

I am not excusing him, just accepting what he was.... Of course, a person who is born under the worse circumstances we can imagine can end up getting a Nobel Prize. It was certainly not his case.

I don't think he was a psychopath though.

My girlfriend worked at a club a very long time ago. Maradona saw her and he fell in love. He tried to pick her up, but she rejected him (I am not surprised, she probably has absolutely nothing in common with Maradona). He was a good friend of the owner of the club, so he managed to get her phone and told her again that he was interested in her. She rejected him once more. So on the next weekend he returned to the club, but this time his intention was no longer to seduce her, he went there to excuse himself and offer his apologies for having phoned her (I think she was upset with the phone call). She accepted the apologies and asked him not to phone her again. He said that he wouldn't and that he was sorry if he had behaved incorrectly. She never saw him again. He didn't ask the club owner to fire her because she rejected him... That's not really the way in which psychopaths behave.

For sure he was not a great philosopher, he was not a very healthy person.... He was what he was. It doesn't make sense to demonize him.
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