omg i have just visited all u need is moz -scary stuff!

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This sums up this thread...
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I didn't see any Star Wars until I was in my teens and made the mistake of watching the classic trilogy for the first time all in one night, so in my brain they all blend into one movie. I don't remember a disco scene, though. :D

This is it. Not really Disco but the bar room fight is like Quiff getting a drink at a morrissey concert.
just got back to this thread i started=-it seems to have gone wonky somewhere?
Hey Quiffaa, why are people bombing and attacking OSLO?
Quifffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...I asked you a question.
Contrary to popular belief America doesn't have the sole rights to crazy.
Was this Queefer person at the Dunoon gig? I had someone admonished by security because she was literally sticking her elbow in the side of my head, trying to steal my place in the front row.
Matches the description mentioned in here. But then again, so does every other disgruntled lesbian
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