Morrissey Strikes Back: The Pin Is Mightier Than The Sword - Travis LeBlanc /


Morrissey Strikes Back: The Pin Is Mightier Than The Sword

Travis LeBlanc (28 May, 2019).


"A couple weeks ago, I wrote an article about the iconic ex-Smiths singer and champion of the white race Morrissey and his drift to the Right and support of Anne-Marie Waters and her party For Britain.

I wrote that article in response to a minor controversy sparked by a picture of Morrissey wearing a For Britain pin backstage at one of his New York concerts. “OK,” I thought “Here’s my excuse to write that fanboyish Morrissey article I’ve always wanted to write but was just waiting for it to become remotely topical.”

On top of this, it’s not often that you find yourself uniquely qualified return a favor to one of your heroes. Morrissey has given me a lot over the years. Now, he finds himself in a racism controversy and under assault by mobs of SJWs, and I just happen to be an elite meme warrior skilled at battling SJWs and justifying racism. I write for a publication that guarantees that my spirited defense would be read by . . . well, someone. My lowly article may not be much against the combined arms of the mainstream media, like Tom Hanks firing his pistol at the encroaching panzer, but I’m older now, and I’m a clever swine, and it’s the least I could do."

An opinion & summary piece regarding recent events.

This type of article is shared as it is in the public domain and de facto up for discussion here (especially as this site is cited).
Anything I ever find to post should not be assumed to reflect my own views.
Also, people should feel free to draw anything currently being published ('good' or 'bad') to the attention of a 'discussion forum' - there's a clue in the name.

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Yes, of course. Best to keep my “unacceptable badness” (a very scientific term used by noted intellectuals such as yourself) out of the gene pool.
'Unacceptable badness' is my way of being polite. 'f***ed-up genes' is the scientific version.
Whites who 'speak black' in an attempt to look cool would be my desired genocide.

That 'genocide' is a tough one to swallow, even though I sometimes like what Reelfountain says here.
Honestly, my problem with poseurs is exactly that - it's pretend and not real. It's not just white and black pretending either, it's all races. I knew a guy ethnically from Mexico (100%) who acted Italian because of his life-long friends. Flag of Italy at his house, 'Mama-Chef' stuff all over the kitchen, etc. He spoke like he was a character on the old Jersey Shore show --- "Cook with some Vino!". Fast forward a few years, and I visited him at a family reunion (Mexican), and he acted COMPLETELY differently around his family.

Just be yourself, that's truly all you can be. Imagine how frustrating it must be to make so much of an effort to try and be someone you're not. Those poor kids are lost. If you're not cool now, then get there on your own.
Whites who 'speak black' in an attempt to look cool would be my desired genocide.

That 'genocide' is a tough one to swallow, even though I sometimes like what Reelfountain says here.
Honestly, my problem with poseurs is exactly that - it's pretend and not real. It's not just white and black pretending either, it's all races. I knew a guy ethnically from Mexico (100%) who acted Italian because of his life-long friends. Flag of Italy at his house, 'Mama-Chef' stuff all over the kitchen, etc. He spoke like he was a character on the old Jersey Shore show --- "Cook with some Vino!". Fast forward a few years, and I visited him at a family reunion (Mexican), and he acted COMPLETELY differently around his family.

Just be yourself, that's truly all you can be. Imagine how frustrating it must be to make so much of an effort to try and be someone you're not. Those poor kids are lost. If you're not cool now, then get there on your own.

this is a phenomenon that can be verified, by observing the behavior of the sock puppets.:nomouth:
take that twat 'pizza pop' who posts here, he carries on as if he was from some Muslim country.:turban:
probably goes to the Mosque to pray to Allah but the real Muslim there view him as a hopeless cuck.:kissingcat:
I knew a guy ethnically from Mexico (100%)

There is no such thing as "100% ethnically Mexican". "Mexican" is a nationality, not a race. Mexico is a racially stratified society with a white ruling class. Mexicans are a mongrel people, part European and part Aztec/Maya. The lower classes have higher Aztec admixture while the upper classes have more European admixture.

Like this is probably what you think of when you hear the word "Mexican".

And yet this is what the supreme court of Mexico looks like.
Zero consistency from @reelfountain as usual.

May 30th

May 21st

The likes of reelfountain and others of their ilk are very much of the fascist in the closet variety. Were the fatherland they so long and pine to come along, they'd be next on the to list to be singled out for their own difference they're trying to hide. Something they know themselves.
"Breaking their own rules" is just their convoluted and self-serving way to say you're making it up as go along whenever someone shows them up for that what they are. Someone really set up a group for them. Best call it the Jack Renshaw Appreciation Association - Or JackAss, for short. That'd be right up their street, without a shadow of a doubt.
Zero consistency from @reelfountain as usual.

May 30th

May 21st
Zero understanding of humour on your part.

You must live a very miserable one-dimensional existence.

There is no way you understand Morrissey's humour either - which begs the question: why are you on this site?

You probably think he's a neo-Nazi because (like most people) he prefers traditional England to the new engineered globalised version.
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Zero understanding of humour on your part.

You must live a very miserable one-dimensional existence.

There is no way you understand Morrissey's humour either - which begs the question: why are you on this site?

You probably think he's a neo-Nazi because (like most people) he prefers traditional England to the new engineered globalised version.

Have you ethnically cleansed your neighbourhood to your narrow requirements, yet? Only in your lonely fantasies, perhaps.
Can violent criminals--who are imprisoned--get anyone pregnant, get pregnant? Should violent criminals be free? Probably not, right? So I don't think sterilization is necessary.

Violent criminals are allowed conjugal visits in many places.

Violent criminals are constantly being paroled.

So yes, sterilization would cut down the number of children with their genes. And like IQ, violence, impulsiveness, and sociopathic personality traits are highly heritable. Beyond that, criminals generally don't do much to love and nurture their offspring. So whether you believe in nature or nuture or both, there is a good case for giving violent offenders incentives to sterilize themselves.
Can violent criminals--who are imprisoned--get anyone pregnant, get pregnant? Should violent criminals be free? Probably not, right? So I don't think sterilization is necessary.

Ask Greg to tell you about how intolerance to homosexuality is Jewish and how homosexual pederasty is intrinsically Aryan. Bit of a moral blindspot perhaps? Or maybe an attempt to provide a sense of morality to something most people find abhorrent? But I'm sure he wouldn't engage in it himself or anything, he's simply making the moral argument! The modern Philistines wouldn't understand. Haven't you ever made a moral argument for something you wholly oppose?
"Second, intolerance of homosexuality is Jewish.

Westphal is apparently a Christian. If you ask Christians why they think homosexuality is a sin, they cannot point to any saying of Jesus. Jesus saw fit to condemn divorce but not sodomy. Christians have to turn to the Old Testament, to the record of the Jews and their wanderings, crimes, superstitions, and hatreds. There we find homosexuality condemned as a capital crime. Why? The whole aim of the Jewish law is to set Jews apart from the rest of humanity. The Jews condemned buggery because they and all their neighbors were engaging in it. Homosexual pederasty, which still remains a taboo in our culture, was widely practiced by the ancient Aryan peoples of the Mediterranean world. The Persians, Greeks, and Romans all practiced it, including some of the manliest men in history and legend, like Achilles and Alexander the Great.

Technically, the Greeks and others were not pedophiles, who pursue children, for they focused their attention on young men who were well past puberty and ready to begin military training. The ancients regarded homosexual relationships as completely consistent with marriage and family life, and they frowned upon men who formed exclusively homosexual relationships. Homosexual relationships were also bound by a host of rules and taboos. There was nothing of the modern amoral free-for-all. But there is no question that homosexual behavior was not only tolerated by ancient Aryan peoples, it was considered normal, in some cases even ideal. It was ascribed to the gods (Zeus and Ganymede) and lauded by poets, philosophers, and historians. It is hard to maintain hateful Jewish attitudes toward homosexuality if one really understands and appreciates the greatness of classical pagan civilization

But this was written years ago so maybe he has changed his mind just like Ben Shapiro changed his mind about ethnically cleansing Palestinians. I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt, what do you say, @bhops? Plus, Greg has had a long running feud with Richard Spencer, so you share that dislike, therefore he can't be all bad can he!? :paranoid:
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