Does anyone else \"pleasure\" themselves over Morrissey

Re: Does anyone else \\\"pleasure\\\" themselves over Morrissey

cool, i do it quite a lot, who else does it here, perhaps we can have a virtual session
Re: Does anyone else \\\"pleasure\\\" themselves over Morrissey

I just thought it would be quite cool that we could have a virtual wankathon over morrissey, loads of people here say they want to make love to him etc, so it\'s a natural progression really no?
Re: Does anyone else \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

yeah sure;) good luck then!

well, no, I need people masturbating over morrissey at the same time I do, thats the whole point of a virtual mutual wankathon, I cant do it on my own, there would be no point. we need at leeast 3 or 4 of us.

If I name a time and a date, and link to the frink thread, will you join?
you should really ask on the morrissey frink thread!
Re: Does anyone else \\\\\\\"pleasure\\\\\\\" themselves over Morrissey

I also am mainly gay (male GSOH), but swing both ways when the mood takes me.

I take it your are female? thats ok you can still be involved in a moz solo virtual wankathon, just look at different pictures.

Re: Does anyone else \\\\\\\"pleasure\\\\\\\" themselves over Morrissey

This thread sounds like the work of Shakespeare's Dad (the man who brought us the "Moz Song Used in PORN!!!!! thread, and one of the randiest buggers I've ever seen on here.) ;)

And no, I do not. Welcome, by the way. :)
Re: Does anyone else \\\\\\\"pleasure\\\\\\\" themselves over Morrissey

I also am mainly gay (male GSOH), but swing both ways when the mood takes me.

I take it your are female? thats ok you can still be involved in a moz solo virtual wankathon, just look at different pictures.

I just said No, but sure, heres others who would join. ask them
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