posted by davidt on Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:00AM
Stephane writes:
Following Morrissey's decision to boycott Canada, and therefore punish his Canadian fans for something they have nothing to do with (and often strongly disapprove as much as he does), I have decided to put "Passions Just Like Mine" on hiatus. I, along with many other Canadian fans, were hurt by Morrissey's insensitive decision. I respect the man for bringing attention to the controversial subject of seal hunting, and for standing for his beliefs, but I believe he would have served the cause better by playing here and use the media attention to talk about it. By boycotting his Canadian fans, he is hurting them, and has no influence on PM Stephen Harper's politics.

At this point in time I don't feel like putting energy into maintaining these pages and will keep "Passions Just Like Mine" on hiatus until I take a decision regarding its future.

Stephane Daigle, editor.
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  • Refer to previous 534 posts regarding the same bullshit......end of!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:04AM (#206667)
  • You have such a great site, built on years and years of hard work, too bad it's come to this.

    I support your decision though, and hope to see Passions back someday.

    I miss you by the way,
    CB, Chicago
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:06AM (#206669)
  • After the uproar that we've witnessed over the past couple of days, I wouldn't be surprised if Morrissey does make some sort of statement in the way of an apology to the fans.

    You have a great site, hope it's back up and running in the future.

    All the best,
    Amatis -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:10AM (#206670)
    (User #15063 Info)
  • Having been a fan for a couple of decades, I was totally insulted by this event. It's one thing to state your opinions, but another to hold an entire country responsible..not to mention the fans. ROTT will be the 1st Morrissey / Smiths album that I WILL NOT buy or listen to since 1983. This was the last nail in the coffin and I'm really sad about this. I've been preaching about Moz since I was 16 and defended him....but no more. "Get Off the Stage" is now very much applicable when it comes to Uncle Moz.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:13AM (#206674)
  • Big fucking deal, why you feel the need to announce it means you are looking for the attention you knob. There was nothing worth reading on there anyway, jump off the nearest bridge, but make sure you don't land on any seals.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:14AM (#206676)
  • Well, you can ignore THAT comment. You have built a wonderful site which I'm almost sure even Morrissey consults. It's a shame YOU now deprive US of your wonderful work, but so be it. You should always do what you feel is right. Hope to see Passions back soon though.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:21AM (#206683)
  • well this sucks. thanks, morrissey. now the second best morrissey site (morrissey-so-low comes in at a close first) is gone -- maybe forever.

    i understand the boycott though. it's a bit of a slap in the face to my neighbors of the north to not tour canada. i'm all for animal rights, but i think side-stepping canada is hypocritical.
    eugenius -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:33AM (#206694)
    (User #1665 Info |
    I'm almost sure you can do better than that.
  • I absolutely adored this site, and checked items on there daily.

    This is a true shame.

    Honestly, I feel really bad about this, seems like a friend has just died.
    dallow_bg <[email protected]> -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:42AM (#206707)
    (User #10559 Info |
    "All the people I like are those that are dead."
  • is everyone in Canada a big crybaby?

    isn't putting the site on hiatus "hurting the fans" as well?
    mr. superinvisible -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:46AM (#206712)
    (User #6367 Info)
    • Re:so... by Strutting Rooster (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @01:56AM
  • I will miss the site immensely. Best source out there for disc info and concert history. I understand Stephane's decisin and hopes this all gets resolved very soon.

    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:49AM (#206714)
  • I don't get it.
    Your wonderful website, as far as I can tell, is not for Morrissey. But for his fans.
    By not developing & hosting it any further, you are not reaching Morrissey (though one can always hope), but depriving fans of access to old and new information.

    This seems to me to be exactly what you blame M for ?

    I'm not denying you don't have the right to do so, but may I suggest a more constructive approach (you could link your site to WSPA or any other official organization that closely and objectively monitors the topic or animal welfare in general)?

    I'm certain that as a Canadian Morrissey fan with an excellent track record, you can send out a more positive message than the one Morrissey is sending out.

    You don't have to, though.

    It would be much appreciated.
    MILVA -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:55AM (#206717)
    (User #12729 Info)
    no previous convictions
  • I don't blame Stephane for discontinuing the work on the site. The key word is "Passion". How can you put so much work into something meant to celebrate a great artist, only to have the artist spit at your feet and turn away.

    I don't feel strongly about the seal thing one way or the other. On the otherhand, it was wrong for Moz to abandon an entire country. If Stephane no longer has passion for Morrissey then I can understand not wanting to bother keeping the site going.

    wemissumoz -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:55AM (#206718)
    (User #4088 Info)
  • But taking down the historical content already up there is a sissy boy move. May as well just put it back online right now because you know you wouldn't have the archived resouces go to waste.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @12:04PM (#206723)
  • Moz's recent displeasure with the Canadian seal hunt is reasonable, but his response is misguided.

    To announce he will not tour in Canada until the Canadian government bans the seal hunt seems ridiculous to me - no tours in Canada? How unusual - but when was the last time he was IN Canada? Not much of a punishment there...

    It strikes me that, if Moz is seeking to make political statements with his touring schedule, then perhaps he should also avoid touring in the UK and the USA until they pull their troops out of Iraq.

    But perhaps this would be too great a sacrifice when these are key markets for the new CD.

    I remain a die-hard fan, but I'm disappointed with these latest antics.

    Dr.K -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @12:21PM (#206734)
    (User #16059 Info)
  • You sound hurt, and I can understand why. There had to be other ways of bringing attention the animal cruelty issue without hurting the fans- most of whom have no control over the hunting(?) issue anyway. I think Morrissey's decision will ultimately do a disservice to him.

    I can't see how he would ever be welcomed to Canada again by its citizens- most of whom would never harm an animal in the first place.

    I applaud Morrissey for taking a stand, but this is ridiculous and painfully hurtful.

    Please keep your site UP and RUNNING- but perhaps you can add a message or two about your feelings as a Canadian fan.

    With love,
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @12:45PM (#206753)
  • i love morrissey and his music as much as most of you and i also felt morrissey made a big mistake by "banning canada" for his promotion and tour for ROTT. morrissey made comments about the arctic monkeys and realized they were wrong and he has apologized. i feel he should do the same for all of his canadian fans. i'm from nebraska. does this mean morrissey will ban the midwest because of the meat industry here? where does it all stop. there are many ways morrissey could have voiced his opinion and got publicity without hurting the fans. he knows this, and lets hope for an apology. i have been listening to ROTT on morrissey my space site all week, and i truly believe it is on of morrisseys finest to date which makes his canadian staements very unfortunate.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @12:57PM (#206760)
  • Just curious because it seems like you're a 12 year old.

    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @12:59PM (#206761)
  • His personal assisstant's email is [email protected] ask him to let Morrissey reconsider, if Morrissey finds out how many of us support him, but feel we are being snubbed because of our governments actions, maybe he will reconsider, maybe even do a benefit concert. There is strength in numbers so email!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @01:23PM (#206775)
  • As a vegetarian I understand the boycott, but then shouldn't he boycott any other country where animal rights are violated (no matter the size of the offense)?

    I think it would be more of a serious political statement on Morrissey's side to tour Canada (or any other country known for violating animal rights) and make fierce statements about animal abuse instead of boycotting his fans.
    Capo -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @01:50PM (#206789)
    (User #15144 Info)
  • I can see where your coming from, but don't shut down the site. It's too beautiful and you have put much dedicated time and effort into the website.

    I understand your frustrated, but your action's are resembling that of Morrissey's. Don't ruin this for the people who actually visit your site because of something you don't agree with.

    Like others have said, you can feature links that denounce the seal hunting (which would be a good addition to the site).

    I'm looking forward to seeing your site back up and soon.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @01:52PM (#206790)
  • as a couple have already stated. you are being hypocritical. you are denying fans access to your site over something they have no control over. that is by every definition hypocritical and those who are saying you aren't a hypocrite either don't fully understand the meaning of the word or are just knee-jerking. i personally could care less if you are for/against the boycott and could care less if you shut down your site but your reasoning is hypocritical.
    VIVAMOZ <[email protected]> -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @02:11PM (#206805)
    (User #184 Info |
    blame me! i didn't vote!
  • stephane is hurt by morrissey's comments and actions. its hard to run a website strictly about the same person who hurt you, so enough with this "hypocritical" BS.

    focus on the real problem, which is morrissey's statement. he's not 20 yrs old, hes been in this business a long time. morrissey should know better.

    morrissey can make all the statements he wants and i agree with his stance, but dont punish the fans. very misguided and ignorant.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @03:01PM (#206819)
  • I agree that Morrissey may have been out of line to snub Canada in this way but I also think that shutting the site is the wrong thing to do.

    One thing I thought was a little strange (having visited the sight since it has been closed) I notice that the FOR SALE link is still up and running.

    Stephane isnt that upset that he/she (sorry not sure) doesnt want to stop making money from selling Morrissey record etc.

    Could it be that more people have visited the sight because of this story and sales could increase or am I reading too much into this?

    Just a thought
    John Roberts -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @03:07PM (#206826)
    (User #15123 Info)
  • As a fellow Canadian I can't blame you for doing this. You have a great site, but how can you want to show your support for someone who so clearly doesn't support you.
      As for the others who can't understand our hurt and anger... understand this; if it was the states or england being shunned the pissing and moaning would be twice as bad and twice as much.
    You'd be asking yourself, "what the Fuck?" too.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @03:44PM (#206852)
  • it is bad enough morrissey has to say those things about Canada in general but don't start acting like a little kid.

    the "passion" of who? yours? oh I see, let's realize the FOR SALE links still work on your site jackass, mad at Morrissey but not mad enough to still make money of the groups he was in. sure you have every right - the rights given to you by who?

    get back to us when you figure that out!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @03:53PM (#206853)
  • I support your decision a hundred percent!!!! Punishing Canadian fans is not the way to go abvout this. A better idea would be for moz to come here, and protest here and make his whole ROTT tour devoted and marketed as a 'save the seals' thing. Moz, you can still change you rmind! Please reconsider
    girlfriend -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @04:40PM (#206877)
    (User #15579 Info)
  • i've decided to stop using canadian maple syrup on my waffles. stupid seals.
    fut -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @04:45PM (#206879)
    (User #401 Info |
  • People, people! Let's be nice. Mozz fans are not often known for their catiness and cheap shots (although I tossed out my own cheap shot below). I am a fellow Canadian, and I completely support Stephane's choice to put the site ON HIATUS! That seems to be the point everyone is looking over here...the site is only on hiatus.

    The only way Mozz is going to change his mind and come to Canada is if he feels pressured by his fans. There will already be a distinct backlash from not coming to Canada, but if he feels heat from fans about losing an invaluable resource such as 'Passions Just Like Mine' as well, it may just push him over the edge and decide to come up here.

    I agree that he is unjustly 'punishing' us for something we haven't got much control over. There's been a lot of people up here fighting the seal hunt, and I bet a good chunk of them are Mozz fans. And I absolutely agree with the point that he demeans us for going ahead with the seal hunt, but the US and the UK being in Iraq (where innocent PEOPLE are being killed on a daily basis) doesn't get any consideration. He's gone out of his way to speak out against the war, but it's obviously not enough to ban any shows at home. Mozz, you should come up here, play some shows, and use your presence to speak out against our government up here. Seems like ever since you moved to Cali and worked with Jerry Finn, your opinions and decisions are going to shit. Too much sun, I think. Or maybe it's cause you started having sex again.

    This is the first Morrissey record I have a feeling I may not buy. Hard to say now, cause I'm feeling so 'reactionary'. At least I won't feel guilty about downloading it.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @05:38PM (#206907)
  • So this guy takes his site down but not the ITEMS FOR SALE section I see, he still wants to make money, and I bet visitors to his site have rocketed with this coverage on Moz-Solo! A scam to make a quick buck. TRULY SICKENING
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @07:32PM (#206935)
  • Wonderful site. It would be sadly missed.
    English Martyr -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @08:57PM (#206940)
    (User #655 Info |
  • This Moz-Canada boycott thing is the best thing to happen. My fantacism for the man since I first saw him oh so many moons ago (1985 to be precise) is finally and irrevocably broken.
    He's nuts ... under the spell of these animal rights assess. He and Pam Anderson (I can't get mad at her - big tits, blonde hair, you know). But he's supposed to have a brain -- and not between his legs....
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 28 2006, @11:59PM (#206969)
  • don't blame it on the sweet and tender moz
    Anonymous -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @12:38AM (#206974)
  • How often does he make stops in Canada on each tour anyway?
    Anonymous -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @02:33AM (#206993)
  • Please, Please,Please do not take down your site. Its the best site around and I refer to it constantly. I understand your upset. Two wrongs don't make a right. Morrissey is wrong.....full stop. He shouldn't punish his good fans in Canada. However your wrong to react in this way. Please rethink your it for the fans. Thank you
    Anonymous -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @02:42AM (#206994)
  • He really is boycotting his fans here. I feel sorry for you Canadian Mozzers. Why didn't he use those gigs as a soapbox and speak out against it at a gig and really get the crowd fired up.

    I'm an English fan so it won't affect me. Although if he did the same in this country my loyalty would be vexed, I'm sure.
    memphis <[email protected]> -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:19AM (#207023)
    (User #2515 Info)
    'You don't know the power in what I'm saying' x
  • aboot aboot aboot
    Anonymous -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:39AM (#207066)
  • Yep. It hurts.

    I know the seals hurt too, and I agree with Moz that it is horrific. Why not come here and play a SAVE THE SEALS benefit. Money to the workers. Money to PETA...whatever.

    It is a personal disrespect to die-hard Canadian fans, many of whom make others aware of cruelty to animals. Moz - why not come here promote your cause rather than alienate those who have taken it up - you wanker.

    Stephen O'Sullvan
    Von Sulstrus -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:47AM (#207071)
    (User #8425 Info)
  • I loved your site. However Morrissey has gone completely bonkers in middle age so I totally understand your decision.

    The other day he was quoted as saying about Madonna: "She hasn't changed the life of anybody".

    That is just plain stupid. Madonna has done far far more for e.g. the gay community than Morrissey ever has.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:04AM (#207079)
  • I can't believe all those who are being nasty to a guy whom has placed so much effort into his site which he offered the world for FREE instead of taking Morrissey to task for his STUPID PR ploy of banning a small market country ONE WEEK before his album is due out!!! If you have followed Moz'z career you would see this is so typical of him. He doesn't care about his fans. He mocks them. He has continuously insulted this site which has ALWAYS been for his fans and now he has dissed another loyalist. Good For You, Stephane! Why should you take this crap? As A Canadian, I'm going to ask all my American friends to toss Stuffed baby seals at Moz during the shows and hopes he leaves after 3 songs and see how YOU like it!!!!!
    wilcosmith -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:04AM (#207080)
    (User #11974 Info)
  • As I a Canadian Moz fan, I am completely disgusted by the way that he has tied politics into his touring schedule. Since when has anyone in the general public had any say as to what goes on in the political arena? Personally I've never killed a seal, or anything for that matter, so why should I be punished by both the gov't for not stopping the seal hunt (which I do oppose) and Morrissey for not giving me a show? Also, I doubt that any of the seal clubbers give a rat's ass whether or not Morrissey comes to Canada or not, unlike his fans. Besides, shouldn't Morrisey be more concerned with the "slaughter" of innnocent Iraqi civilians by the two countries that he plans on touring extensively? As excited I have been to pick up his new LP, there is no way in hell that I will further support a hypocritcal wanker, and I hope that other Moz fans in Canada do the same!!! From someone who visits the Passions site extensively.... Good on you Stephane for taking a stand!!!!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @10:03AM (#207130)
  • While I think that your statement is well-written. I also think it is slightly melodramatic and self-indulgent. It seems you are only thinking about yourself and other Canadian fans who have had their feelings hurt just because Morrissey will not tour Canada this time round. Instead, why don't you see the more important issue at hand? If you love Morrissey as much as you profess to do then this should be more than easy. The important thing is the Candadian government's barbaric policy. The Canadian government is hurting seals and, less importantly Canadian fans of Morrissey's music. Morrissey loves his fans and does not want to dissappoint them. In return for his unconditional love and generosity as a performer, not to mention staunch defender of animals everywhere [ including your beloved Canada ] why don't you boycott your own government? Protest their actions as cruel and unnecessary rather than taking it out on Morrissey. I am not criticising you as a person, you are only human and I can share your pain of Morrissey not touring on principle, but it is precisely because you are human that you can do something constructive in your own country. Your PM may not listen to Morrissey, but if there are enough of you, he will listen to his own potential voters.
    blackpudding -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @11:28AM (#207156)
    (User #14813 Info)
  • to those charging him with bringing this up now because his album is coming out.

    you are wrong.

    he spoke out against it during the 2004 toronto shows.

    furthermore, the seal hunt started this year on March 25th. hmm...i guess that's why he made the press release when he did. he's joinng a boycott that's alredy in place...that simple.

    you all don't know anything.

    morrissey should never go back to canada again for the way he's been treated. you guys all misunderstood what he said and who the message was directed to and you guys all made false motives for his actions and timing. screw guys owe him and us an apology.
    Puddle -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @03:13PM (#207285)
    (User #15599 Info)
  • I really thought that Passions was the best page of Morrissey was even in my fotolog links...thank you for your hard work but

    truly dissapointed...truly,truly,truly
    NakedLondon -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @04:13PM (#207309)
    (User #14755 Info)
  • PLEASE! Stephane bring the site back!!!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @04:26PM (#207318)
  • The amazing site is up again :D
    Anonymous -- Saturday April 01 2006, @05:58AM (#208137)

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