posted by davidt on Tuesday May 18 2004, @10:00AM
parrysj writes:

Morrissey article on the BBC News website, with a link from the front page!

Morrissey: Why the fuss? by Brendan O'Neill

Morrissey is once again everywhere. He still has the ability to inspire loathing, ridicule, or devotion. But does he have anything left to say, 20 years on?
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  • If Jesus made a comeback there'd be a fuss wouldn't there?
    English Martyr -- Tuesday May 18 2004, @11:16AM (#103538)
    (User #655 Info |
  • Good God....the claim this article makes that Moz's relevancy makes him uninteresting is the most ridiculous thing I've read on him! His manner of introspection is certainly not common nowadays (admitting that life isn't always fun isn't introspection, it's common sense), and as to comparing him with Avril "Sk8r boi" Lavine...
    The themes of his latest album demonstrate a ability to come at issues from completely different angles from the rest of the pop-world. Who else has forgiven Jesus for giving them the capacity to love when there is no-one out there worth loving (rather than simply complaining about being dumped, a la whoever it is at the top of the charts at the moment...)?

    Urgh. We've been given the ability to think as well as the ability to type, I wish some people would employ them in unison...
    Biscuit Buscemi -- Tuesday May 18 2004, @11:56AM (#103554)
    (User #9908 Info)
  • whether this Brendan O'Neil is the "freelance journalist" who used to be in the Revolutionary Communist Party and wrote for Living Marxism. He then wrote for spiked-online, the RCP's newest venture.

    Perhaps it isn't, though. Does anybody know?
    David T (different) -- Tuesday May 18 2004, @12:06PM (#103558)
    (User #256 Info)
  • The BBC would not publish my comments about this article shown yesterday on their site. BBC web personnel meticulously screen all readers replies and only show what they consider to be suitable and non-offensive. Below is my response to this article which I judge to be exceptionally restraint considering the displeasure and annoyance caused to me, by this pretensions, fool of a journalist.

    "First of all I would like to commend you on a very well written and researched article regarding Morrissey and The Smiths. Unfortunately, Brendan O'Neill, you seemed to have totally misunderstood the remarkable genius of this elusive man. Also, Why did you feel the need to inflict your personal views and assessment upon us, vis-à-vis Morrissey? Surely you did not think that any person reading this article would be interested in you? Did you? I thought the days of the media, consistently trashing this man were over? Guess not. Still thanks for some interesting facts, which after all is your job. Am I wrong?"

    Now what was wrong with that???
    Rain Man -- Tuesday May 18 2004, @07:06PM (#103686)
    (User #11118 Info)
  • Whoever wrote this article is a very lazy and unprofessional journalist even by British standards. Why are we supposed to care what some mate of his who is - fuckin 'ell! - a sociology professor makes of the Moz thing is anybody's guess. If this were a serious article it would have a quote from someone like Mark Simpson, who has after all written an entire book on the issue this idiot pretends to have invented. Even boring old Simon-get-your-hands-off-MY-Morrissey would have been better than this drivel from chums of the journo.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 19 2004, @06:08AM (#103847)

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