posted by davidt on Saturday May 01 2004, @10:00AM
Stan writes and sends:

The following review by Lee Gale appears in the May edition of Jack, a good quaility UK men's magazine. (scan)

'It's been seven long years since Morrissey's marvellous Maladjusted was released. Some of us are still yodelling, "We've never seen a/ Keener window cleaner" ("Roy's Keen") which the sort of stubborn indifference that only Mozza can inspire. Now Steven Patrick's back, on the ever-expanding Sanctuary label. "This is a much brighter-sounding album than my previous work," the singer mentions, but there's still a tremendous amount of bitterness to keep the die-hard fans miserably happy. "Why in Estonoia they say/ Hey you/ You fat pig" powers a grin on opening track "America Is Not The World", while "The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores" is full-strength Morrissey, a timely attack on... everything - coppers, taxmen, meaningless pop personalities ("No, it's just lock-jaw pop stars/ Thicker than pig shit".) You know he's making sense. He always does. "All The Lazy Dykes", "First Of The Gang To Die" and "I Have Forgiven Jesus" are formulaic Morrissey - Morrissey-y - although purists will struggle to find such truly terrific moments like "Last Of The Famous International Playboys" or "Alma Matters". Hopefully gems will reveal themselves with a few more listens, and not after being locked in a small, warm room for an hour with a stereo and a glass of water. Why so secretive, Steven? Still it's great to have the quiff in our lives again. The Manc is Man United - Premier League - to The Strokes' Carlisle United and The White Stripes' Rochdale. Let's hope Morrissey doesn't leave it so long to make another album."

There's no numerical rating, but that sounds like a 4/5 to me.
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  • is that the first positive mention of Maladjusted in print? possibly...unless that was sarcasm. i have trouble telling the difference.
    mr. superinvisible -- Saturday May 01 2004, @10:17AM (#99356)
    (User #6367 Info)
    • Re:wow by Benton (Score:1) Saturday May 01 2004, @10:33AM
  • I've had the misfortune of being handed a copy of a previous issue and I have to say it's one of the worst of the current crop of Renaissance Lad magazines. Thing is they're so clueless they even gave "Maladjusted" a leg up!

    Nevermind, let's hunt down John Harris and start killing his ass!
    Ramon -- Saturday May 01 2004, @11:49AM (#99391)
    (User #2577 Info)
    "I'm all over a vulture, like impending death"
  • :-) Indeed he has!

    That's not the first paper to praise "Maladjusted". The german Rolling Stone has a preference for it too. Never knew why.
    Stanley -- Saturday May 01 2004, @11:53AM (#99392)
    (User #77 Info)
    "You have a lot to unlearn." (pre-fame Morrissey to penpal)
  • Numerically, this has to be a 3 out of 5 - "purists will struggle to find such truly terrific material as 'Last Of The Famous......";
    "hopefully gems will reveal themselves on repeated listens".

    A 3 out of 5 review, surely? Still, they seem very glad to have Moz back!
    Anonymous -- Saturday May 01 2004, @11:53AM (#99393)

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